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Employers: JobMaker Hiring Credit


The JobMaker Hiring Credit scheme is an Australian Government incentive for businesses to employ additional young job seekers aged 16–35 years.

Eligible employers can access the JobMaker Hiring Credit for each eligible additional employee they hire between 7 October 2020 and 6 October 2021.

The second claim period for the JobMaker Hiring Credit is now open! You have until 31 July to claim payments for your eligible employees hired between 7 January and 6 April 2021.

STP reporting due date

You must meet the STP reporting obligations for each JobMaker period you are claiming for. Your STP reporting is due three days before the end of the relevant JobMaker claim period.

Registration Process

Businesses with an active ABN can access the registration on ATO online services or Online services for business.

Under 'JobMaker Hiring Credit payment', you can find information and step-by-step instructions about:

  • registration

  • how to nominate your employees

  • how to claim

  • payments.

Once you have registered you will see a confirmation page with a receipt ID. We suggest you print this page or save it for your records.

The confirmation page will also:

  • outline the next steps

  • provide links to help you make sure your lodgment obligations are up to date.

Confirmation of registration is not a confirmation of eligibility.

Registration Due Date

You only need to register once. You must register by the due date of the first JobMaker period you are claiming for. For example, if you want to make a claim for the second JobMaker period, you must register by 31 July 2021.

For more info on key JobMaker Hiring Credit dates, visit

As always, we are here to help, if you have any questions in relation to the JobMaker please contact our office on +617 5443 1432.


The Insight Company Pty Ltd (ABN 44 086 898 928)

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The Insight Company Pty Ltd © All rights reserved.  Call +617 5443 1432

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