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Businesses: It’s time to lodge your Monthly Business Declaration for the JobKeeper


As mentioned in our previous post, to receive the JobKeeper payments each month, it is very important that you remember to lodge the monthly business declaration. The sooner this declaration is made, the sooner you will be reimbursed.

If you have enrolled and identified your eligible employees, you have from the 1st to the 14th day of each month to receive payments made to employees in the previous month.

Each month, you must reconfirm your reported eligible employees. If any ineligible employees change or leave your employment, you will need to notify the Australian Taxation Office through this monthly declaration report. You will also need to declare your GST turnover for each relevant month (this is not a re-testing of your eligibility, so don’t worry if your income increases again) and provide your projected GST turnover for the next month.

You can complete this step through the Business Portal using myGovID or we can do it for you through our Tax Agent Portal.

As always, we are here to help, if you have any questions in relation to the JobKeeper process please contact our office on +617 5443 1432.


The Insight Company Pty Ltd (ABN 44 086 898 928)

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